📄️ Estimate fee
Estimate the fee that would be incurred for submitting an order with the specified price and size on the market.
📄️ Estimate margin
Estimate the margin that would be required for submitting this order
📄️ List order versions
Get a list of all versions of an order in the order history
📄️ Get order
Get an order by its ID. An order's ID will be the SHA3-256 hash of the signature that the order was submitted with
📄️ List orders
Get a list of orders that match the given filters
📄️ Get stop order
Get a stop order by its ID. A stop order's ID will be the SHA3-256 hash of the signature that the order was submitted with. A stop order's ID is likely to be different from the ID of the order that will be submitted when the stop is triggered.
📄️ List stop orders
Get a list of stop orders that match the given filters
📄️ Observe orders
Subscribe to a stream of orders