📄️ List liquidity provisions
Get a list of liquidity provisions for a given market. This API returns a current and pending liquidity provision in the event that a provision has been updated by the provider but the updated provision will not be active until the next epoch.
📄️ List paid liquidity fees data
List information about paid liquidity fees for a given market, or asset ID.
📄️ List liquidity providers data
List information about active liquidity provider(s) for a given market, or liquidity provider's party ID.
📄️ List liquidity provisions
DEPRECATED: When a liquidity provider amends a provision, and it's accepted by the network, the pending provision is returned by the API instead of the provision that is currently active. Use ListAllLiquidityProvisions instead.
📄️ Observe liquidity provisions
Subscribe to a stream of liquidity provision events for a given market and party